UC may owe you hundreds in backpay. Help us get it back.

Many ASEs have had hundreds or thousands of dollars improperly deducted from their paychecks. In Spring 2023, the university deducted DC Plan Safe Harbor and Federal Medicare taxes from many ASEs’ checks even though we are exempt from these deductions. As I write this, the university has still not remitted these wages to affected ASEs. I’m still missing about 10% of my wages, and it’s very likely you are too. 
To file a claim to get your money back, please fill out this simple Google form

The beginning of the form will help you determine if you’ve been affected and if you’re eligible for relief. It should take less than 10 minutes and is easiest on a computer. The form will provide your union representatives the information we need to file a claim on your behalf. You can fill out the form even if you’re not in the union. 

Filling out the form, of course, is not a guarantee that you will receive relief. However, we believe that every affected ASE filing an individual claim is the best chance of recovering the improper deductions and damages that are owed under state law. If you have any questions, feel free to respond to this email. 

While I’m here – did you know that last Thursday, UCPD arrested three UCSD workers – 2 ASEs/Researchers and 1 Postdoc – on trumped up charges of felony vandalism and conspiracy for chalking the side of a building during a protest about contract implementation? It seems the university cares more about arresting instructors than investing in instruction. Show your support for the workers and tell UC to drop the charges by signing on to this petition